Are MQA-G service charges good value for money (VFM)?
Reading Time: 2 minutes The owner of a 1 bed 41.5 sqm flat in Greenfell Mansions who pays £2960 in service charges at MQ would pay £1,855 at KV or £1,105 less in KV than in MQA-G.
Independent Millennium Quay Residents Association
Reading Time: 2 minutes The owner of a 1 bed 41.5 sqm flat in Greenfell Mansions who pays £2960 in service charges at MQ would pay £1,855 at KV or £1,105 less in KV than in MQA-G.
Reading Time: 3 minutesMost of us find corporate governance (CG) one of those boring topics which we recognise is necessary due to the safeguards it provides. Most organisations deal with it quickly, ensuring … Read More