How much has gone into Mr Lang’s household from MQ via MQS?

Reading Time: 2 minutes


In November 2014 Mr Lang declared to the board that an income stream was going into his household via the employment of his partner by MQS, a company which for many years his partner co-owned.

The 2006 Companies Act requires that the nature and extent of any interest is declared. There is a history of Mr Lang avoiding declaring how much money went from the MQ companies into his household via MQS, examples include:

– The board meeting of 27/4/16 where the minutes fail to record:

a) Mr Lang’s declaration of interest in MQS, and

b) Andy Cawthera asking how much this amounted to with Mr Lang saying he didn’t know.

The published minute instead reads as if Andy Cawthera was asking how much Joel Coleman, Director of MQS, pays himself as a contractor.  A more accurate minute of this meeting is available on request by emailing

– The board meeting of 14/9/16 where the minutes state: “Declaration of Interest:

SL recorded that his partner was paid for work done for MQS; AC asked how much and SL said that he did not know.”

– The Jan 2020 MQ(A-G) AGM when the question was submitted and ignored.

At the November 2017 AGM Mr Lang was asked how much was going into his household via MQS. He stated that his partner no-longer worked for MQS and therefore it was nothing. As of August 2020 Mr Lang has yet to inform the board of this as required by company law.

For the financial y/e 2015 the total fees paid to MQS from all MQ companies appear to be in the region of £155k. Until Mr Lang reveals the extent of his previous interest in MQS, the amount that has gone into his household from MQS is unknown. However, if we assume that this was in the region of £40-50k pa, a figure not quite plucked from the air, then a reasonable guesstimate would be £500,000 over a 10-12 year period.  

Mr Lang has been emailed to provide an alternative figure should the above be very wide of the mark.  As of early Feb 2021 he has yet to do so.   

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Likewise if there are issues you would like to raise.

Note: Views in this piece and on this site are the honest opinion of the author & are made available in the interest of residents at MQ.